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Mokopi's Skin Peel

■ Nickname: Mokopi
■ Age: 21 years old
■ Where I live: Singapore

Be sure to look at my pictures at the bottom

Day 1 (29/05):

10:30PM --> Apply the entire jar of peel onto face. Stinging, burning feeling on face. Face looking slightly red.

12:00AM --> Remove entire content of peel from face with applicator. Remove excess peel by rubbing in with Vaseline and removing with tissue. Face starts to feel slightly tight and red.

Intermission (30/05):

09:30AM --> Skin feels tight after rinsing with warm then cold water. Finds difficulty in opening my mouth wide. Is this how Botox feels like? Entire face feels as though I had tied a very tight ponytail behind my head.

Day 2 (30/05):

08:20PM --> Apply the second jar of peel onto face. Face turning even redder from chemical reaction.

09:50AM --> Remove entire content of peel from face with applicator. Remove excess peel by rubbing in with Vaseline and removing with tissue. Face gets redder and tighter.

Intermission (31/05):

03:43PM --> Skin feels very tight after rinsing with warm then cold water. Finds difficulty in opening my mouth wide. Botox on the double. Entire face looks tan and shiny.

Day 3 (31/05):

08:20PM --> Apply third pot of peel on face. The smell is starting to get on my nerves. Same discomfort. Face feels like an aftermath of a battle zone. Can't wait for the fourth jar to end so that my face may start peeling.

Intermission (01/06):

11:30AM --> Wash my face as usual without soap. My face is so tight that one tiny smile will rip the skin apart.

Day 4 (01/06):

5:00PM --> Decide not to continue with the last pot of peel. Make it a Peel 3000 instead. My skin has turn all crispy and shiny. So hard to express myself now that my skin is set by a layer of crusty crap.

5:50PM --> Alrighty. The skin around the mouth area has finally peeling from smiling. Put on a thick layer of normalizer (which looks and smells like Hazeline or Olay, whichever you can associate with) onto entire face.

7:20PM --> Remove normalizer from face with tissue. Face still peeling. A tempting sight to peel and pick at it. No, I mustn't.

Day 5 (02/06):

11:00AM --> Wash face with warm then cold water. Darn the crispy peeling skin! It's hanging loose and rustling at my mouth area now. Bloody itchy and a down right nuisance! Stay cool girl, it's going to be over soon.

5:30PM --> Apply normalizer for the second time. Oh! It really sooths the itch! I look much less like a monster now. Must avoid the sun.

7:00PM --> Feeling so hungry now. Finally can remove the cream and have my dinner.

Day 6 (03/06):

12:00PM --> Skin have mostly peel around the mouth and nose area. I look like a super villan with that surrounding dark skin as mask. HAHAHA! Time to wash my face again.

4:50PM --> The peeled circumference has increased. A few loose skin are now flapping like they have a life of their own. Maybe I can fly if they flap harder? Time for my normalizer cream. Mama is coming!

6:20PM --> I can't believe the wait can be so excruciating! Maybe because there's nothing on TV to kill my boredom. 'Princess Yucie' anime is so weird with the monotonous english dub on Kids Central. Well, time to remove the cream.

Day 7 (04/06):

10:00AM --> Mr. Basin greets me again. Wash my face with warm then cold water. Refreshing.

4:30PM --> My peel is near complete now. Can see the pores minimised and black heads sticking out of the surface of my skin. Gross emoji a08 They'll be gone for good right after I can use my special facial cleanser! Hehe. Must wait till the peeling is complete. Apply normalizer. I collected a bottle of skin by the way emoji wai

Two weeks later:

My skin condition has changed for the better ever since the acne cleared after the peel. I have been diligently steaming my face every morning and whacking dollops of sunblock (and not forgetting marinating my face with the essential toner and moisturizer before hand) on my skin.

Snapshots! emoji j089

Day 1 - before applying treatment
I look so weird. HAHA.
Day 2 - after 1st jar of peel cream
This is when the artificial sunkissed skin starts.

Day 3 - after 2nd jar of peel cream

Day 4 - after 3rd jar of peel
It is peeling alright! HAHA! Bonito with Takoyaki anyone?

Day 5 - day 1 of normalizer
This is the soothing moment. Wait till you see the clump of dead skin!

Day 5 - closeup. Yummy isn't it? emoji 06

Day 5 - peeling emoji 03

Day 6 - day 2 of normalizer
So brown and flakey with the occasional rustling sound in the wind.

Day 7 - day 3 of normalizer
Soft and supple skin with a touch of BOINK!

A few weeks later - Perfect! emoji j084


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